Our Services
Making Green India
We provide free tree saplings along with proper training and consultancy to take care of plants, quantity of water needed and nutrients cycles.
Social Engineering
We inspire and connect the youth across India and provide free training session and encourage them to participate in activities.
News Letters
We time to time publish our reports and literatures on conservation of environment & ecology through our team of young research wing.
Health & Hygienes
Our team of health Professionals & Doctor are more frequently available at the time of health emergency. In-fact our regular health camps & awareness activities helps alot.
Skill Development
We encourage and provide informal trainings to many rural women for developing new skills and grip employment opportunity under local resources and financial supports.
Social Services
We extend our support for primary education to girl children and youth, provide food and cloths to destitute old age and poor women in rural India.
Call Centre @24x7
Our Call Centre keep working all through the day and night just to extend our services any time any where. In case of Health Emergency, we provide Ambulance Services and try to save life on priority basis. The people may also know reg. our schemes and projects running in their surrounding.
You may join us from any where and support us for making better social changes and extend the welfare activities to the larger people in India and beyond.

our achievements
Awards and Appreciations

National Awards
SREC Foundation Works and Initiatives has been frequently recognized and appreciated by many State Govt. in India and Agency.
News & Views
Although, We have zero budget for publicity but our works & dedication towards society welfare, hits the news papers headlines on many occasions.